Speaker, Teacher, Counselor, Author, Mentor and Advocate

Dinah Monahan

Dinah has five children and twenty-six grandchildren. Her husband Mike died in March of 2016. They were married for 46 years and spent a lifetime together ministering in the Pro-Life cause. Her mother created the Precious Feet, the lapel pin that is the size and shape of a pre-born babies feet at ten weeks. Dinah founded Living Hope Women’s Centers and Hope House Maternity Home in the White Mountains of Arizona and directed them for twenty years. Dinah is a AACC certified lay counselor who, because of life experiences, has specialized in helping women who have been molested or traumatized as children. She has also become an expert on shame and the destructive role it plays women’s lives. Dinah is a speaker, teacher, counselor, author, mentor and advocate of women and children. She is the co-recipient of the Legatos Award for her Pro-Life work alongside George W. Bush, Heartbeat International’s Servant Leader Award to name a few.

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