Learn About the Retreat

Speaker Topics & Breakout Session Options

Speaker Topics & Breakout Session Options

The 9 Weapons of Hope

Resist the temptation to wallow in self-pity, shame, guilt or fear. Fight the urge to give up. Reject the notion that you have become your story. Refuse to stay down on the mat. Find the courage to stand up and become more, not in spite of your story, but because of it.

Even IF

Don't spend your life waiting for the shoe to drop. Quit wondering WHAT IF......  

With the hope of Christ we can live a life of EVEN IF......

The Trauma Reboot

We are here to love you and show you that just because you've been hurt, it doesn't mean that you are damaged goods. Trauma may have been your personal story but we will give you tools to find hope and steps to recovering that which was stolen. 

No More Shame

By bringing our worst to God and knowing that He still loves us and died for our sins and that He wants us to live a life of victory, we are finally able to put away the shame that holds us back.

Grief is Not a Stage!

You will not get over it. But we will provide you with hope and support to get through it. We must honor our grief, learn healthy ways to process it, and then find a way to live a purposeful life again. 

Your Story Matters

Your mess matters and what you do with it matters even more! God redeems our story by surrounding us with people who need to hear our past, so it doesn’t become their future. Speak out for what you are passionate about! Speak up because Your Story Matters!

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